DBMP Subrogation News
subrogation success
Abstract of Successful Subrogation in a Mega Loss.
Dugan, Brinkmann, Maginnis & Pace (“DBMP”) was hired by a major insurance carrier to investigate subrogation in a massive fire that would completely destroy a 9-year old 266,000 square foot refrigerated warehouse. The fire started on September 1st and received extensive local news coverage. Our client ultimately paid its insured over $147 million.

Linda Shevlin Named Partner
March 1, 2023
Linda Shevlin was named a partner with DBMP. Linda handles a variety of subrogation related losses and is a leader in the firm’s legal research and writing department.

Mike Lorusso Named Partner
January 1, 2023
Mike Lorusso was named a partner with DBMP. Mike is one of the leaders of our large loss subrogation practice.